See below for all the media attention we caught for Heather Little's album By Now. We already knew that Heather is a unique songwriter talent, but with this album she has also put herself on the americana map as the best performer of her own life stories. Some Dutch dates are the next step on her way to world domination.


ticketlinks in Green

October 18 (NL)  Den Haag - Acoustic Alley

October 19 (NL)  Utrecht - Ramblin Roots Festival (trio)

October 20 (NL)  13:30   Beek en Donk, solo  (met Josh Gray)

                              16:00 Nijmegen - Tangelder presenteert @ Thiemeloods                     




Euro Americana Chart # 5 April 2024 # 1 May 2024 # 3 June



Roots/Folk album of the week         Heather Little – By Now

Hoezeer we het ook op prijs stellen dat T Bone Burnett met The Other Side weer de singer-songwriter in zichzelf heeft opgezocht, we maken u toch graag attent op de Texaanse nieuwkomer Heather Little. Zij leverde deze week met By Now een van de mooiste, meest ontroerende americanaplaten van 2024 af. Wat een talent!


NL/BE Heaven Magazine (Print)

"Heather Little presents herself as a unique story teller. The instrumentation and mood are wonderfully arranged for all the various songs. Even in the modest arrangement of Gunpowder & Lead, Little's version outranks Miranda Lambert's hit version big time!" ****

Ze maakt een verpletterende indruk. Dit is countryfolk zoals we het het liefste horen: simpel en doeltreffend.


NL/BE: music that needs attention: Heather Little : By Now

By Now is een bijzonder fraai album van iemand met een bewogen levenswandel.

By Now is a wonderful album by someone who has certained paid her dues in life.


NL/BE PRINT – Lust For Life ****

Autobiografische teksten verpakt in countryachtige liedjes die rechtstreeks op het hart van de luisteraar worden afgevuurd. In de meeste gevallen schiet Little raak. Haar naam is klein maar haar muziektalent is groot.



"Heather Little weet de luisteraar te raken met haar emotionele teksten en haar warme, mooie en oprechte stem. 'By Now' is een heel knap en emotioneel album dat het talent van Heather Little als zangeres, gitariste en als songwriter laat zien." 8/10



“By Now will be a year's end favorite disc for lovers of great music.”



****1/2 Knap!

****1/2 Great Stuff!



Nu is er By Now, een prachtig album waar Little laat horen dat ze een geweldig muzikante en zangeres is. Little beschikt over een warme onderhoudende zangstem die de aandacht weet vast te houden tot de laatste noot.

Heather Little gaat ongetwijfeld hoge ogen scoren met dit album, hopelijk leidt dit tot meer releases van dit grootse talent!



Haar zang staat centraal en dat verdienen haar teksten over mislukte liefdes, verlaten worden, misbruik, zelfacceptatie en opnieuw beginnen ook, want Little zingt ze even ingehouden als ingeleefd. Niet alleen haar albumtitel suggereert dat ze autobiografisch zijn, maar Little blijft ver weg van de countrysnik die gevoel moet opwekken. Al haar songs zijn even sterk als persoonlijk en daardoor is dit album een klassieke comeback.


NL/BE  (announcement)

NL/BE   (review)

Judging by this truly impressive album, singer/songwriter Heather Little is going to be BIG in no time.



Heather Little is naast een uitmuntend songwriter een al even bevlogen zangeres.  By Now herbergt een intrigerende collectie van uit het leven gegrepen muzikale snapshots en prijkt nu al in mijn persoonlijk eindejaarlijstje wat Americana betreft.



Heather Little heeft met By Now zomaar een van de meest indrukwekkende rootsalbums van het jaar afgeleverd. Het is een album dat vooralsnog bescheiden aandacht krijgt, maar liefhebbers van Amerikaanse rootsmuziek die dit album laten liggen, missen een onbetwist en echt wonderschoon jaarlijstjesalbum.



De liedjes en stem van Heather Little, zijn een eerste klas achtergrond voor een van de meest meeslepende verzamelingen nummers die waarschijnlijk dit jaar zullen worden uitgebracht.



…… an album with the story of a wife taking matters into her own hands when the system fails to help her. Good music.



“This is a marvellous album of classic and classy country music expressing an emotionally charged mix of strength and vulnerability. It’s a brilliant album that gets better with each listen. If these songs don’t touch you, you need to check your pulse.”



Right from the opening song Five Deer County you are completely hooked by this beautiful, authentic album of heartland songs and roots music of the highest quality.

It’s very early to be naming one of the albums of the year but this one is going to take some beating. ‘


UK: Country Music People, Americana Round Up (print)

“A superb collection of songs, made with top musicians”



UK: Rock-n-Reel (Print)

"By Now is a rare album of searing emotional candour twinned with extremely discerning and well judged musicianship"



In many ways, the songs mine very familiar country tropes, but Little still manages to bring fresh perspectives and, listening to the way she sings them, there should be some sort of regulation that mandates her to not leave another decade before she does it again. Buy now.



“By Now is a stunningly beautiful album of thought provoking songs and one of the most emotionally charged and moving albums I have listened to in a long time.”



In essence, “By Now” is more than just an album—it’s a testament to the power of music to touch the soul and transcend boundaries. With its timeless melodies and vulnerable reflections, Heather Little invites listeners on a journey of self-discovery and emotional catharsis that is as enriching as it is unforgettable.



every one of these songs has touched me in one way or another, and several made me think about friends and family who are or have gone through the torments that Heather Little has not just wrote about, but put her heart and soul to singing them too.


UK: Music Notes with Kevin Bryan (syndicated to approx. 172 UK newspapers)

This is a compelling collection of musings on the human condition from highly regarded Texan singer-songwriter Heather Little, her first since 2013’s “Wings Like These.”



Confessional words and a fine supporting cast make for one of the best country-based albums you’ll hear this year.



There is an awful lot to digest in this hour-long album, probably due to there being so much to say. There is an element of fate for Heather Little to step out of the shadows and push a fine bunch of songs so personally delivered. You sense integrity, sentiment and brunt honesty running through each track with compelling evidence that sometimes the source is the best conveyor of a truly touching song. BY NOW is a collection yearning the listener to return to time and again. An activity to relish for all junkies of a sincerely spun country song.  


UK   *****

From start-to-finish, this is an emotional, life-changing listening experience. If you missed out on it upon release last month, do yourself a favour and check it out tout suite.



"Ses talents d'écriture brillent, mais sa voix, avec ce côté vulnérable qui la rapproche de Patty Griffin, force le respect et l'attention. Pour moi, et c'est un véritable compliment, ses talents la rapprochent de ceux de Gretchen Peters qui est mieux qu'une référence."
Her writer talents shine, but her voice, with a vulnarable touch that reminds us of Patty Griffin, enforces respect and attention. For me, and that is truly a compliment, her talents stand up to those of Gretchen Peters who is more than a reference.”






“Heather Little è una delle più belle sorprese di questo inizio 2024 in ambito country/folk.”

“Heather Litte is one of the nicest surprises so far in 2024 in country/folk”



Segnatevi il suo nome: sentiremo presto parlare di Heather Little. E speriamo che qualche promoter illuminato la porti anche a queste latitudini.

“Mark her name, we will soon much more of Heather Little. Let’s hope some bright Promoter brings her over here”



“By Now, un album dove contenuti, suono e interprete si esprimono con una sola voce, brillante.”

“By Now is an album where message, sound and performance all express themselves with a briljant voice”. 



Heather Little’s new album By Now is stunning. It’s beautiful and chilling every word and step of the way, and there’s an incredible depth to the songwriting.


US Interview:



Throughout the album, Little ventures fearlessly into universal human experiences, offering insights into personal and societal struggles. Her introspective approach reflects a profound understanding of the human condition, garnered through her own journey of self-discovery and growth.



"This could well be the Americana album of the year, were her name more recognizable. Her time is now."



"Heather Little is special, and has a voice and the songs that should be heard. By Now is solidly on my list of 2024 favourites."


“While it’s true that Texan Heather Little isn’t a well-known name in the music world, what is true is that she should be. The woman has written enough great songs to be an established artist, and with her new album BY NOW it’s time she stepped forward. These are originals that evoke such a strong sense of strength and beauty, while at the same time their ability to bring heartbreak to life is nothing short of stunning, it feels like 2024 should be Little’s the kind of album that comes every decade or so where there can be no denying that this is a collection that will live forever. Little’s big album.” 

  • Bill Bentley, Americana Highways 


“a natural-born songsmith”

  • Bruce Sylvester, Goldmine Magazine 


“The singer-songwriter puts her heart and soul into lyrics and melodies, often touching her relating audiences deepl”

  • County Line Magazine


“Little brings a ravishing sense of old-time folk and troubadour Americana with harmonic zest. While other artists know Little’s work admirably, it’s this honest collaboration that makes new musical discoveries worthwhile.

By Now is poised to not only bring the brilliance of Little’s songwriting, but also her vulnerable, awe-inspiring vocals and delivery.”

  • Glide Magazine 



